Image Based Conversation - USA
W.M.Hunt in conversation with Efrem Zelony-Mindell on a A New Nothing (link)
Press - Italy
Filippo Brunamonti speaks about Behind a Little House on L’Espresso (link)
Press - USA
WIRED features Behind a Little House, article by Kyle Vanhemert (link)
Press - New York
"The Universal Home." article by Jacqui Palumbo on Photo District News (link)
Press - Berlin
Behind a Little House profiled on Ignant (link)
Interview - London
Interview on the World Photography Organization by Kristine Bjørge (link)
Press - Chicago
Behind a Little House featured on The Colossal, article by Christopher Jobson (link)
Press - USA
Behind a Little House featured on The Huffington Post (link)
Interview - USA
Interview by Darren Ching and Debra Klomp Ching on At Length (link)

Behind a Little House
Part photography, part public collaboration, Behind a Little House is an ongoing participatory art project based on the notion
of our place in the world beneath one sky.
Place, both actual and imagined, plays a key role within
identity. I’m interested in how the landscape and its representation during the 18th and 19th century have played a part in the construction of national
identities and even more so—a sense of belonging—anywhere in the world where the idea of “Nations” was becoming a reality, and how the same strategies
may be used today to create a more open sense of belonging based on the unifying nature of our common environment. In “Behind a Little House”, rather
than representing a prototypical view, an identifiable landscape, with “national”, “distinctive” and “unique” features, the nationalist rhetoric is
abandoned and home and sky function as cross-boundary and universal symbols, implying a shared sense of belonging and responsibility.
The installation develops through wall-mounted photographs
leading to a participatory artist book turning the viewer into an agent of change on the environs surrounding the little house and inviting the public to
project their memories, fears and aspirations into a physical and psychological landscape at the threshold between the personal and the universal. By
enabling the viewer to transition from spectator into an active participant, Behind a Little House gives the public the power to change the story being
written through the pages of the book, speaking to our individual responsibility and collective role in writing the future of our infinitely beautiful
and fragile world.
What does it mean to belong? And how does it shape our
perceptions and attitude towards the world?

Participants to date: David Aipperspach | Akiko, Japan | Alberto, Italy | Pasquale Altieri, Italy | Elisabetta Amedei, Italy | Andrei, Hungary/Italy/Ireland/UK | Colucci Angela, Italy | Annalisa, Italy | Paula Anta, Spain | Wm. Anthony, “Human” | Antonella, Italy | Megumi Shauna Arai, Japan/USA | Alessandra Arcieri, Italy | Arévalo, Chile | Arla, Global | Nathnar Atlen | Gianluca Bacchi, Italy | Sonia and Chris Bain, Indian American/ USA | L. Balbi, Italy | Paolo Barbi, Italy | Stefania Bazzan, Alessia e Beatrice, Italy | Claudia Beleli, Brazil | Beppina, Ukraine | Giulia Bernardelli, Italy | Alberto Bernardelli, Italy | Michele Berti | Bill, USA | Victoria Bjorklund, USA | Gianni Bondavalli, Italy | Biljana Bosnjakovic, Serbia/Italy | Egon Botteghi, Italy | Federica Bottoli, Italy | Jennifer Brendicke, USA | Laura Bressan | Brigida, Italy | Gaby Bruce, USA | Bruno, Italy | Maria Grazia Brusegan, Italy | Marcia W. Burgos, El Salvador, C.A. | Usha Marie Caldwell, USA | Carola, Famiglia Muscio | M. Cora Carrano, Italy | Sara Casna, Italy | Paolo Castellone, Italy | “Claudia e Riccardo”, Italy | Immos Cesare, Italy | Darren Ching, USA | Victoria Cho, USA | Vincent Cianni, USA | Cinzia, Italy | Claudio, Italy | Megan Colvin, USA (Texas) | Claudia Comencini | Lisa Corò, Italy | Pasquale Cosentino | Manuel Cosentino, Italy | Franca Covino | Neil Craver, White | Cristina, Italy | Carolina Cuneo, Italy | Emily Danga/Quinn Burten, USA | Danielle | Dario, Italy | Darius, USA | Marco De Biasi, Italy | Margherita De Biasi, Italy | Massimo De Gennaro, Italy | Monica De Mitri, Italy | Massimo De Giovanni, Italy | Francesca Della Toffola | Agnes Den Hartogh/Auke Klaver, Holland | Anthony Derrick, USA | Diego, Italy | Dodaham, USA | Domenico e Denise, Italy | Alyssa Doocey, USA | Laura Dottori, Italy | Gemilla Dowey, White | Susan Dutton, USA/Italy | Elena, Italy | Alessandro Fabris | Cristiano Favero, Italy | fede+bene, Incerta | Gianfranco Ferlisi, Italy | Filippo (8 mesi), Italy | Kavi Fine (Priya’s son), USA | Flash, Africa/Native American | Flora, Italy | Jason Florio, UK | Franco Fontana | Daniel Foran, USA | Gigliola Foschi, Italy | Gabriele, Italy | Gaia, Italy | Gene, China/USA | Barbara Ghisi, Italy | Giancarlo, Italy | Irene Gianello, Italy | Cecilia Gianzi, Italy | Tea Giobbio, Italy | Verdiana Giovinazzo, Italy | Giuseppe, Italy | Giusi, Italy | Chiara Giusti, Italy | Susan Green, USA | Franco Grosso, Italy | Guido, Italy | Hany, Taiwan | Hikari, Italy/Japan | Tom Houston, USA | Sumy Hoy, South Korea | W.M. Hunt/D. Bear | Will Imbrié Moore, USA | Annabel Imbrié Moore, USA | Sayumi Ino, Japan | Megnan Intravaia-Cronin, USA | Irene | William Irvine, Italy/UK | Irene, Isabella, Giorgia | Frances Jakubek, USA | Jasmin, USA | Joel | Jude, USA | Gegam Kacherian | Katia/Caroline, UK/ USA | Katrina, USA | Asia Kepka, Poland/ USA | June Y. Kim, South Korea | M. Kirsckenbaum, Local | Debra Klomp Ching, Netherland/Australia | Nike Krina, USA | Lana, Estonia | Linda Landi, Italy | Moira Lemmi, Italy | Tatiana Leon, Colombia | Francesco Levy, Italy | Amanda Li, China | Sam Light, USA | Loredana | Luisa, Italy | Lydia | Brian Mac Neil, USA | Beatrice Madella, Italy | Paola Maffei, Italy | Elodie Mailliet/Eva Storm (3 1/2), France | Marcia, USA | Marg, Italy | Maria, Italy | Marianna, Italy | Mario, Italy | Deborah Marshall, USA | Marta, Italy | Mary, Human | Chiara Masini, Italy | Gannon L. McCarthy-Downer, USA | Jeff McCarthy-Downer, Canada | Chan Mei Ling, Hong Kong | Elena Melloni, Italy | Michaèl, France | Chris Milne, UK | Min, South Korea | Sheng Ming Shen, China | “Moltagente”, Italy | Matilde Montuori | Claudia Moretti, Italy | Albert Moussa, USA | Nathan | Wenwen Ni, China | Nilde, Italy | Nina, Argentina/USA | Novella | Donato Novellini, Italy | Franceschini P. | Ann Pallesen, USA | Paola, Italy | Gabriella Pauletti, Italy | Gianni A. Pettinari, Italy | Nicola Pezzato | Phil, Brooklyn/Earth | Pietro e Vale, Italy | Pikkius, Italy | Federica Aiello Pini, Italy | Paola Ponti, Italy | Raffaele, Italy | Claudio Rani, Italy | Marco Rebuzzi, Italy | Meredith Regal, USA | Ercan Oktay Richter, Switzerland/Turkey | Alessandra Rigolin | Robe | Roberta, Italy | Xavier Robles de Medina, Suriname | Rosy, Italy | Giuseppe Rovesti, Italy | Christina S, USA | Sarah 5 y.o., France | Vanna Sbolzani, Italy | Marco Scansani, Italy | Lisa Schuchmann, Germany/Iraq | Corsaro Sergio, Italy | Julia Shattuck, USA | Cory Shea, USA | Shelema, Ethiopia | Shengye Shen, China | Xu Shiqing, China | Silke, Germany | Juwan Simpson, USA | Sofia, Uruguay | Rafael Soldi, Perú | Edoardo Spadaro, Italy | Stefania 10 anni, Italy | Stefania, Italy | Stefano, Italy | Photo Center Student | Sean K. Sullivan, USA | Sunjoo, South Korea | Filiberto Superbi, Italy | Alessandro Tegon, Italy | Amber Terranova | Tito, Italy | Tancredi Tonelli, Italy | Patrizia Tonello, Italy | Cesare Tonolli, Italy | John Trotter, USA | Tummy | Paolo Ugo, Italy | Caterina Vacchi-Suzzi, Italy | Vania, Italy | Sofia, Vito, Tatiana, Ucraine | Haruna Watanabe, Japan | Wendy, USA | Katie Yao & Anna Soetarso, Taiwan & Indonesia | Elena Zhejmo, Russia | Jennifer Zwick, USA/Canada
The artist book is not for sale and at end of each exhibition it is kept for future display, or is donated to a public/private institution.